Fanboy Planet Podcast Episode 524: Too Many Heroes Plus Two

Slightly easier than "Where's Waldo"
Slightly easier than "Where's Waldo"

Are we facing a new crisis of “Too Many Heroes?” Is it about to get worse? Or is it really about to get better? This week the fanboys discuss how the Arrowverse is set to grow, as well as something new for Superman, the fates of Iron Fist and Luke Cage, new universes for Star Trek, DC, Netflix, Disney, CBS and… well you get the picture.

It’s your one stop shop for comics, movies, and TV news!

What’s in the bag:

  • Infinity Warps: Soldier Supreme #2
  • Books of Magic #1

(Also, Derek mentioned the first mini-series The Books of Magic, [amazon text=which you can get here&asin=B019FV7VJM].)

Featuring Derek McCaw and Ric Bretschneider
Recorded 10/31/2018
Published 10/31/2018


About Ric Bretschneider 687 Articles
When Ric Bretschneider isn't producing the Fanboy Planet Podcast, he obsessively collects geek activities. If you Google him, you'd swear you're looking at five different guys. A professional software developer for decades, your computer likely has at least one application he's worked on. He consults with individuals and groups on how to effectively present and engage an audience. Lately he’s been into pro and fan applications of e-communities and podcasting. When he has a moment, Ric reads books and comics, and plays analog board and card games. He's here to help people, it's what he does.