X-Men Relaunching in 2024

X-Men Relaunching in 2024
Reborn in 2009...

The press release simply says “…following the end of the Krakoa era, new X-MEN ongoing titles launch in July 2024.” Accompanying that is a stark black and white graphic that says “From the ashes.”

What it doesn’t say is that Marvel will simplify the X-Men. Maybe you don’t think they need to be simplified. But even though the X-Men was a complex continuity before the Krakoa era, the past few years have been even more impenetrable. I’ve tried. I have the beginning, House of X, and thought it was a cool idea. In the intervening years, the number of different titles felt overwhelming and so, once again, I just turned away.

When something has sparked news, I peeked back in. This year’s Hellfire Gala, for instance. Both because it was a major event and Disney sponsored a live version at Comic-Con. (Interesting marketing decision to hold a fan party then kill off most of the mutants the following Wednesday.) For reasons vaguely clear to me, my favorite X-Man Nightcrawler has become the Uncanny Spider-Man, so I picked up the issue shedding light on his origin. And of course, Predator vs. Wolverine, but that barely touches any actual continuity and it’s an idea so silly it has to be read.

Following the end of the Krakoa era, new X-MEN ongoing titles launch in July 2024.
Never forget. This may actually be in canon.

Does the current Scarlet Witch book count? She seems at least aware of what’s been going on over on Krakoa.

And we’ve seen the X-Men line-ups trimmed down before, right from the original Giant-Sized X-Men #1, which ended on the deathless question, “what are we going to do with 13 X-Men?!?” Those were the days. Now the question is “are you keeping up with 13 X-Men titles?” Since then we’ve seen Mutant Massacres, House of M, and more.

So here’s what I’d like “from the ashes.” A core X-Men title for fans to get their bearings. Throw in The New Mutants because that covers the education part of Charles Xavier’s dream. Of course Wolverine has to have his own titles because everybody loves Wolverine. Except, curiously, for Ray Romano.

I know this is an old Fanboy ranting. As cool as the Krakoa era may be, it’s a great science fiction epic, but an awkward fit in the Marvel Universe. Unless all you like is X-Men titles, then have at it. But in the wake of superhero comics sales dropping, it would be nice for flagship characters to extend a hand to new readers.

X-Men relaunching in 2024

July 2024. Be there?

About Derek McCaw 2715 Articles
In addition to running Fanboy Planet, Derek has contributed stories to Arcana Comics (The Greatest American Hero) and Monsterverse Comics (Bela Lugosi's Tales from the Grave). He has performed with ComedySportz, City Lights Theater Company and Silicon Valley Shakespeare, though relocated to Hollywood to... work in an office? If you ever played Eric's Ultimate Solitaire on the Macintosh, it was Derek's voice as The Weasel that urged you to play longer. You can buy his book "I Was Flesh Gordon" on the Amazon link at the right. Email him at [email protected].