This one’s for my son.
If you haven’t watched Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe, you should. Telling the story of a young boy whose mother was an alien “Crystal Gem,” one of a race of warriors keeping peace on Earth, it’s a fun show that also subtly brings home themes of love, acceptance, and the right to be different.
My son introduced me to it, and even my daughter occasionally sits down and watches with us as Steven means well, tries hard, sometimes makes mistakes, and sometimes triumphs as he tries to develop his own inner strengths.
It’s unique and beautiful. So I’m going to suspect so will this graphic novel be, as one of the show’s creators is directly involved.
Thanks, Boom!
From Boom! Studios:
As part of its ramp-up to San Diego Comic-Con, KaBOOM!, an award-winning imprint of BOOM! Studios, and Cartoon Network Enterprises, the licensing and merchandising arm of the network, are pleased to announce the first Steven Universe original graphic novel Steven Universe: Too Cool for School, featuring Steven, Connie, and the Gems in an all new, full-length adventure.
The creative team of Steven Universe animated series Supervising Director Ian Jones-Quarterly and regular comic series writer Jeremy Sorese and artist Coleman Engle explore what happens when Steven joins Connie at school.
Steven Universe: Too Cool for School original graphic novel has a cover by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell and will arrive in comic shops this December. Further details will be available closer to the release date.