It has begun. The Hyatt Regency is packed with our people. The panels have been great, and the Klingons hosted their opening night party. Today Ric will be on panels talking about superhero movies and Star Wars, and tomorrow Derek will be on a panel about Comics to TV along with Beth Vallacqua from the Nerdvana Podcast. And of course, the Fanboy Planet Podcast happens live at 10 a.m. with special guest Bonnie Burton (grrl.com, [amazon text=The Star Wars Craft Book&asin=0345511166], and much more)!
If you’re here on site, say hi today, and come join the audience tomorrow. For everyone else, keep an eye out for the podcast on iTunes later this week. Bonnie is one of our favorite guests and a terrific conversation! We will have news and tomfoolery as well.