For some, Thanksgiving is a time of eating, sleeping, then frantically decorating for the next holiday. In Los Angeles, however, it’s been a time to gather and share your science fiction and fantasy fandom. Oh, I’ll still eat turkey, but then I’m heading to Loscon at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport.
It’s got a tremendous guest list, including renowned authors like Larry Niven, Steven Barnes, and David Brin. The legendary Bjo Trimble will be there. And, of course, so will I.
For those interested, here’s my schedule:
Saturday, November 30 at 10 am in La Jolla A, it’s Lost Legends.
“We all know who Robert A. Heinlein, Ursula K. LeGuin, and Isaac Asimov were. The well-read among us will know of the works of Fredric Brown, L. Sprague de Camp, C. L. Moore, Fritz Leiber, Leigh Brackett, and many others. Our panel will consider whether there are some “hidden gems” whose writings are well worth seeking out.”
Saturday, November 30 at 1 pm in La Jolla A, it’s Trek Talk.
“Join your fellow Trek fans for a discussion of what’s new with the iconic franchise.”
That panel includes Star Trek production alum Marc Zicree — who I interviewed back in July, so it’s like a homecoming. Sort of.
Sunday, December 1 at 10 am in Los Angeles A, it’s Was the Book Better?
From Frankenstein to Who Censored Roger Rabbit, a discussion of speculative fiction with plots that Hollywood warped into something very different. What did the movie do better, and what do we wish more people understood about the source material?
Check out the Loscon website for the full schedule, and a list of other associated events. You might find me haunting the dealers’ room.