Godzilla Minus One Plus Matinee Heroes Plus Blu-Ray!

Godzilla Minus One plus Matinee Heroes plus blu-ray

A couple of weeks ago, the team from Matinee Heroes invited me to provide guest commentary on my favorite film of 2023. If you guessed The Flash, you guessed wrong. It’s much bigger than that. It’s Godzilla Minus One.

The podcast dropped last Saturday morning but I was on vacation. But today I got the news that Matinee Heroes co-host Alan Cerny and I both have waited to see. The US is getting the Godzilla Minus One blu-ray Deluxe Japan Edition, exclusively available at Godzilla.com. It stomps all over our blu-ray collections in September, but I had to order it NOW.

This release will mirror the one released in Japan, with the addition of English menus and the ability to select the theatrical release English subtitles for both versions of the film — Godzilla Minus One and Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color. Not all the extra features include English subtitles.

Godzilla Minus One plus Matinee Heroes plus blu-ray

Full details of each disc’s content:

  • Disc 1: Godzilla Minus One 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray
    • 125 minutes / 3 layers (100G) / 4K 2160p 16:9 scope size / Dolby Vision
    • Audio: (1) Japanese Dolby Atmos (2) Japanese 5.1ch Dolby TrueHD (3) Japanese 2.0ch Dolby TrueHD (4) Barrier-free Japanese audio guide 2.0ch Dolby TrueHD
    • Subtitles: (1) Barrier-free Japanese subtitles (2) English subtitles
  • Disc 2: Godzilla Minus One Blu-ray
    • 125 minutes / Trailer compilation / 2 layers (BD50G) / 1080p High Definition 16:9 scope size
    • Audio: (1) Japanese Dolby Atmos (2) Japanese 5.1ch Dolby TrueHD (3) Japanese 2.0ch Dolby TrueHD (4) Barrier-free Japanese audio guide 2.0ch Dolby TrueHD
    • Subtitles: Barrier-free Japanese subtitles (2) English subtitles
    • Trailer Collection (Japanese language only)
      • Special Announcements 1 & 2
      • Trailer
      • TV Spot
      • 1 Edition/That’s Godzilla Edition/A Glimmer of Hope Edition/The World Praises Edition/Live and Resist Edition/Against Godzilla Edition
      • 6-Second Bumper
      • IMAX PR Video
      • ScreenX PR Video
      • Cinema Mileage Announcement
  • Disc 3: Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color Blu-ray
    • main feature 125 minutes / Godzilla-1.0/C trailer / 2 layers (BD50G) / 1080p High Definition 16:9 scope size
    • Audio: (1) Japanese Dolby Atmos (2) Japanese 5.1ch Dolby TrueHD (3) Japanese 2.0ch Dolby TrueHD (4) Barrier-free Japanese audio guide 2.0ch Dolby TrueHD
    • Subtitles: Barrier-free Japanese subtitles (2) English subtitles
  • Disc 4: Bonus Blu-ray (Japanese language only)
    • recording length: 240 minutes / 2 layers (BD50G) / 16:9 / 1080p High Definition (some 1080i)
    • Audio: Japanese 2.0ch Dolby Digital
    • <Contents (Bonus DISC)>
      • Making of
      • VFX Making of
      • Release commemorative special program “Behind the scenes: The movie “Godzilla-1.0” -No.30-
      • Event footage:
        • September 4, 2023: Completion report press conference
        • October 18, 2023: World premiere red carpet event
        • October 23, 2023: Tokyo International Film Festival opening red carpet
        • November 1, 2023: Tokyo International Film Festival closing screening stage greetings
        • November 3, 2023 (National Holiday): Opening day stage greetings
        • November 8-10, 2023: North American premiere
        • November 29, 2023: Sapporo event
        • Yamazaki Takashi Selection Talk Show
          • September 15, 2023: “Yamazaki Takashi Selection Godzilla Screening” 1st (Guest: Higuchi Shinji)
          • Friday, September 29, 2023: “Yamazaki Takashi Selection Godzilla Screening” Vol. 2 (Guest: Murase Keizo)
          • Friday, October 13, 2023: “Yamazaki Takashi Selection Godzilla Screening” Vol. 3 (Guest: Kaneko Shusuke)
          • October 27, 2023: “Yamazaki Takashi Selection Godzilla Screening” Vol. 4 (Guest: Anno Hideaki)
  • Specifications and Enclosures

    • 4-disc Digipack + outer case specifications

    • Special booklet (Japanese language only)

    • “Special Disaster Response Materials Compilation” Abridged version (Japanese language only)

Godzilla Minus One plus Matinee Heroes plus blu-ray

To listen to the Matinee Heroes episode, click here. Let me know what you think.

About Derek McCaw 2621 Articles
In addition to running Fanboy Planet, Derek has written for ActionAce, Daily Radar, Once Upon A Dime, and The Wave. He has contributed stories to Arcana Comics (The Greatest American Hero) and Monsterverse Comics (Bela Lugosi's Tales from the Grave). He has performed with ComedySportz and Silicon Valley Shakespeare, though relocated to Hollywood to... work in an office? If you ever played Eric's Ultimate Solitaire on the Macintosh, it was Derek's voice as The Weasel that urged you to play longer. You can buy his book "I Was Flesh Gordon" on the Amazon link at the right. Email him at [email protected].