It’s that time of year — and if you’re like me, you meant to get to shopping but it’s suddenly December. We’ve recently been opened up to a world of potential affiliations that turned out to be products I already bought. So purchases made through links on this and other pages may generate a commission for Fanboy Planet.
That’s not why you should check these out. They’re legitimately cool products, including the Super7 toys listed yesterday.
First, in anticipation of TRON: Ares (or perhaps in denial of it), you can celebrate your love for the Grid from a couple of different clothiers.
For a straightforward cosplay look, Neo4ic offers a TRON Legacy shirt. A few years ago, a friend gave me the Shanghai Disneyland TRON ride shirt, and this one from Neo4ic beats it hands down. Follow the care instructions, and you can pretend to be a program for years to come.
If you prefer to be more of a Disney bounder, Park Candy has “Enter the Grid,” a short-sleeved button-up shirt that’s comfortable while celebrating the Light Cycle race. My only caution is I found their sizes to run slightly tighter than RSVLTS, so take that into account.
Enter the Grid Button Up Shirt
Park Candy also offers a lively Haunted Mansion-esque shirt, “Call in the Spirits.” I have this one as well, and it walks the line between loud and out and out tiki. Perhaps you know that’s my jam.
Call in the Spirits Button Up Shirt
If you want to go more traditional tiki, I also recommend Jeff Granito Designs. We’re not affiliated, but Jeff’s work adorns many corners of the Enchanted Geeky Room.
But it can’t all be clothes for Christmas, can it? How about this, also from Park Candy — high quality novelty bottle openers. Disney has slowly been waking up to a generation of fans of The Emperor’s New Groove, but not fast enough for the thirst out there. Why not gift this?
Emperor’s New Brew Bottle Opener
Everybody gives geeky coffee mugs as gifts, but we’ve finally reached the age where we can gift geeky coffee! Consider a fine roast that can clear the webs from your head…
Of course, you can gift the mug too. Bones Coffee Company knows its audience.
Just suggestions, and I’ll have some top comics/graphic novels coming later this week. Please, have a happy and safe holiday.