Question to ponder: How does Rex Mason know the chemical formulas for sleeping gas, kryptonite and the hundred other things he uses to defeat the Justice League? Discuss.
Metamorpho is back for his second week to tie up all those loose ends from last week’s cliffhanger. Needless to say he doesn’t kill Green Lantern.
We do find out (conveniently) along the way that Rex had always wanted to be a superhero much in the same way John Stewart always wanted to bang Sapphire, I mean be a family man. Rex gets to live out his dream as he saves the day, the city, the girl and the Justice League in the end. John, however, gets to go home and practice making Hawkgirl constructs with his ring.
Superman didn’t look like a Superwimp in his fight scenes this week, at least not until Metamorpho spontaneously figured out the chemical formula for Kryptonite. Martian Manhunter got in a few good moves before falling to the giant green blob. Batman, smarter than all of them, stayed out of the fight altogether.
A few things in this episode reminded me of the movie Ghostbusters. From the giant squishy creature rampaging through the city to the final explosion at the top of the building, it was all very familiar. I’d have given the episode 10 bonus points if Hawkgirl had complained, “he slimed me.”
Last week, I commented how quick Rex and Green Lantern were to believe the worst in each other the moment doubt was raised about their intentions. It continued this week with them flip flopping between best friends and distrust of each other. If the writers had added a throwaway line about the mutagen causing some mental instability when it first joins with a host, it would have ben nice. That would have explained Rex’s rampage and jealousy in part one a lot better than chalking it up to being pissed off.
A lot of the Justice League’s time seems to be spent catching people that are falling. Superman catches Martian Manhunter. Metamorpho catches Green Lantern. Hawkgirl catches a falling fat guy. Green Lantern catches Sapphire and no one catches Kevin Bacon. Oddly, the few times that no one catches the falling superheroes, they turn out to be just fine a few minutes later.
Flash and Wonder Woman were again AWOL this week, and since the only new episode for a while will be the “movie” The Savage Time, we will have to cherish their memories through the holiday season.