Open Bionics Creates Disney Prosthetics

This week, Disney showcased how it uses its powers for good with “Disney Accelerator Day.” The event, held at the Walt Disney Studios lot in Burbank, California, featured 10 start-ups that Disney will be giving investment money and mentoring in order to bring their innovative technology products to market that much faster.

Most of the start-ups focus on social media and augmenting reality in one way or another. Though they could have interesting impacts on our leisure (and how it might be dominated), whether or not these are actual social impacts are debatable. But one company does stand out in doing something pretty wonderful with cutting-edge technology, and Disney’s cooperation.


Open Bionics uses 3D printing technology to create prosthetic arms for children that do not seek to hide the loss of limb, but rather call attention to the prosthetic in the coolest way: by being Iron Man. Or perhaps Elsa, or a Jedi.

Their website explains it with the proper enthusiasm:

They won’t have to do boring physical therapy, they’ll train to become heroes. They’re not just getting medical devices, they’re getting bionic hands inspired by their favorite characters.

With guidance from Industrial Light & Magic’s xLAB division and Walt Disney Animation Studios (presumably on branding), the UK based Open Bionics has designed three prosthetic arms — Iron Man’s glove, a Frozen-themed arm, and what they’re calling a Star Wars lightsaber limb. The best part? The company promises they have more designs on the way, because Disney is not charging Open Bionics a licensing fee to develop these child-friendly, appealing and unfortunately necessary products. It’s unclear what the cost of getting a prosthetic arm is, but it’s implied that it’s little more than materials.


Open Bionics founder Joel Gibbard also created the Open Hand Project, which provides free plans for prosthetics using ABS plastic and 3D printers. This guy uses his powers only for good, and we applaud him.

UPDATE:  Thank you to Ric Bretschneider for reminding me that last year Robert Downey, Jr. presented 7-year-0ld Alex with an Iron Man prosthetic arm. That prosthetic was created by Albert Manero with Downey’s backing, through Manero’s charity Limbless Solutions. It was not officially licensed (and again, Disney is giving the license to Open Bionics for free), but Limbless Solutions also creates low-cost prosthetics for children and gives them away. It is wonderful that we have two cutting-edge technology organizations trying to make children’s lives better. Watch the video of RDJ and Alex below:

About Derek McCaw 2715 Articles
In addition to running Fanboy Planet, Derek has contributed stories to Arcana Comics (The Greatest American Hero) and Monsterverse Comics (Bela Lugosi's Tales from the Grave). He has performed with ComedySportz, City Lights Theater Company and Silicon Valley Shakespeare, though relocated to Hollywood to... work in an office? If you ever played Eric's Ultimate Solitaire on the Macintosh, it was Derek's voice as The Weasel that urged you to play longer. You can buy his book "I Was Flesh Gordon" on the Amazon link at the right. Email him at [email protected].