In June, my Facebook feed started showing me ads for this cool looking comics shop called Revenge Of. Intrigued by their website and drawn in by the promise of a great pinball arcade, I vowed to make a pilgrimage. Meeting up with comics writer James Denning one Sunday morning, we were glad for the adventure. It was absolutely worth it. Clean, well-lit, and most importantly well-stocked, Revenge Of is inviting and fun. So when a publicist contacted me out of the blue asking if I wanted to talk to one of the owners of this new shop, I jumped at the chance.

Located in a more industrial area of Glassell Park (near Pasadena), Revenge of has quickly established itself as a premiere comics and collectibles shop while also being one of the best pinball arcades around. Less than a year old, they’ve built a strong sense of community with terrific parking lot events. During the summer, they’re known as “Lotzilla.”
I talked with co-owner Jeffrey Eyser about his inspiration, what makes the shop tick, and of course, what comics is he reading and what pinball machines is he playing. Did I mention that Jeffrey and his partner are production designers by day and built a life-sized Godzilla for Lotzilla? Yeah, this place is FUN.
That’s Revenge Of Comics and Pinball, 3420 Eagle Rock Blvd, Glassell Park in Southern California.