In the 1970s, you could go into a grocery store and pick a book and record set off a spinner rack. From classic tales to new stories of kids’ favorite pop culture characters, these sets encouraged reading, but like audio dramas today, also encouraged imagination. Some great artists and actors worked on these. From a comics history perspective, it’s especially important that the legendary Neal Adams wrote and drew stories to accompany these records.
Writer Robert V. Conte remembered, and when he had the opportunity to revive those records from his past, he jumped at it. At New York Comic Con, Conte and Adams’ Continuity Studios premiered the remaster of House of Terror from Power Records. Featuring a 48-page graphic novel and a scary fun audio recording, it was a hit. And you can get it directly from Studio Chikara now. But first, enjoy my conversation with Conte and forgive us that we had to break out into a brief rendition of Power Records’ Metamorpho theme song.
Cool stuff. Bonus — the actual Metamorpho theme song: