Many walk through mayhem and survive, but what about Hulu’s Animayhem? Some of the funniest prime time cartoons stream on Hulu, and their outdoor activation behind the San Diego Convention Center allows fans to immerse themselves. Maybe you don’t watch all of them, but walking might make you want to watch more.
Some are venerable shows. Family Guy turns 25 this year? When did that happen? Futurama has been back for a season, and they brought Slurm with them. And though most Marvel Television shows on Hulu disappeared long ago, Hit Monkey rises again. There’s more, but you’ll just have to see. Meanwhile I’ve got to set a trap for a red goobler…
Special guest star: Eric Szymanski of PressPassLA
Music credit:
“Carnival Fight Song”
by Kara Square
2014 – Licensed under
Creative Commons