Fanboy Planet Podcast: Cancelled Comics Cavalcade Remembered
Join Derek and Ric as they reflect on cancelled comics they wish would come back, and others that are probably better left as-is. Neil Farris, Hijinks Comics
Join Derek and Ric as they reflect on cancelled comics they wish would come back, and others that are probably better left as-is. Neil Farris, Hijinks Comics
A quick news wrap up with the Marvel and DC big events for this month, potential casting of Captain Marvel, and then a BayCon 2016 special report with Tom Galloway on the state of comics; What’s hot, what’s up and coming, what are people not reading that they should be!
DC announced today a $7.99 anthology coming on March 9, 2016 called Legends of Tomorrow. If there weren’t a hugely hyped television series coming from the […]
DC announced through USA Today that they’re continuing with their plan of trying to revise and renew some of their more offbeat properties in 2016. […]
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