Subtitled “The Rise of the Warrior,” this trailer dropped on the MTV Movie Awards last night. It gives casual viewers a better look at the main villain, Doctor Poison (Elena Anaya), and a glimpse of Diana’s better days as a child on Themyscira. To be honest, that gave me a little chill from years of reading Wonder Tot stories. There’s no glimpse of the Greek pantheon, so it’s unclear how big a role Ares will play, and that actually gives me hope. Save something for the actual movie!
But I’ll also be honest — Warner Brothers has proven that they’re really good at taking a cool song and coordinating its percussive beats with the action of their superheroes for a trailer — case in point, both main Suicide Squad trailers. While I want to give in and just love this, they’ve hurt us before. That’s skepticism talking. On the other hand, advance word is that director Patty Jenkins has done something good with this — we’ll have to wait for June 2 to find out just how good.
For DC Comics fans, it’s possible that Wonder Woman, appropriately enough, will save us.