He’s near. A nice touch in Popeye the Slayer Man is the build-up of him as an urban legend. The children in town recite a nursery rhyme to remind them not to go near the docks. If only these handsome young college students had heeded the rhyme…
Yes, Popeye the Slayer Man opens tomorrow March 21 in theaters and on VOD. I attended the premiere last night and am glad I saw it with an audience. A full review will come later. Overall, it’s better than your cynical brain thinks. Turning Popeye into an 80s masked killer is far less awkward than Winnie-the-Pooh. If you can see it in a theater, do.
Also, what a rocking theme song!
Popeye the Slayer Man stars Sean Michael Conway, Elena Juliano, Mabel Thomas, Marie-Louise Boisnier, Jeff Thomas, and Steven McCormack, along with “scream queens” Angela Relucio (Code Black, The Cabining) and Sarah Nicklin (The Black Mass, Garden of Eden). Jason Stephens inhabits the Sailor Man.
Robert Michael Ryan directs, with special makeup effects supervised by R.J. Young and cinematography by Korey Rowe.