Doctor Who: The Magician’s Apprentice
Reviewed by Drew Simchik That Moffat! Who else would be so clever as to start off a new season with an RTD finale? The first […]
Reviewed by Drew Simchik That Moffat! Who else would be so clever as to start off a new season with an RTD finale? The first […]
Well, this should start the Silicon Valley Comic Con off right… The original Captain Kirk, William Shatner, has set coordinates for Silicon Valley Comic Con […]
In what was an exclusive for about ten minutes, the site The Tracking Board reports that Warner Brothers decided that maybe their TV approach is […]
If I have to explain what original Minecraft is to you, this actually may be a good place for you to start. Because for many […]
Last week, Marvel announced two series that offered either a commitment or a pandering to diversity, depending on which side of the internet you read. […]
The fanboys present our Star Wars Force Friday recap with Drew Campbell, Red Wolf news, Batman Day, Neil Gaiman bargain, that Wonder Woman just might […]
Just yesterday I was in a conversation about how The Flash has led people back to Arrow, which I I admit, was always a strong […]
The Secret Warriors are coming, and so are the Inhumans. Will that hold our attention this year? Let us know!
If you gave in to the delicious madness known as Force Friday, you obviously shared the insanity. People lined up for hours for a midnight […]
The Fanboys chew on Marvel Studios shakeups, Fear the Walking Dead, the Silver Surfer, the Return of River Song, good-bye Wes Craven, Orphan Black to […]
It says ages 4 and up… and up is the active word there! Today, the internet went slightly insane when the following image appeared, showing […]
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