The fanboys take their weekly spin through your brain to discuss…
Avengers Infinity War Day One vs. The Justice League Hostage Crisis
- Secret Empire
- What’s in the Bag?
- Civil War II: The Oath #1
- Justice League of America Rebirth #1
- The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #4
- Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #3
- Jessica Jones #6
- Steven Universe #1
- Reminder to [amazon text=Vote Loki&asin=1302902628]
- [amazon text=Amusing Ourselves to Death&asin=014303653X] by Neil Postman
- Legion from FX
- Return of The Expanse
And much more!
Featuring: Derek McCaw and Ric Bretschneider
Recorded 2/13/2017
Published 2/11/2017
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