“No one was hiring me when I was just a regular clown…”
So says an anonymous “performer” in Naples, Florida, who found a unique and terrifying way to get more bookings after his party clown gigs were drying up. For a nominal fee, he will show up at a birthday party and cause adrenaline to shoot up amongst the guests. Having trouble with your kids and want to put the fear of God into them? Allegedly, Wrinkles will come and make sure they think twice about acting up. Enduring childhood trauma will do that to you. Oh, yes, and he will participate in practical jokes.
On the weekend that IT Chapter Two opened, it’s worth noting that Wrinkles the Clown is actually real. And Magnet Releasing has a documentary getting “behind the mask” coming on October 4. This is no urban legend. It may be the ultimate incarnation of “Florida Man.” It could be a hoax started by an enterprising filmmaker. I have no answers, and I must watch this documentary.