Today, Sony gave us a deeper look into the second of their two Spider-Man related movies in the last half of 2018. (Don’t forget about Venom, wisely opening in time for Halloween.) And Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse looks… like everything fun that could possibly happen when Sony tries desperately to show off what a Marvel Studios-less Spider-Man movie could do. Heck, even Marvel Comics created a whole [amazon asin=0785190368&text=legion of alternate universe Spider-Men], and Sony has the rights to all of them.
After seeing this trailer, in which an older Peter Parker takes on the role of mentor to Miles Morales, while Spider-Gwen shows up, probably from yet another alternate universe, I’m sold. Throw in something that looks like the Ultimate Universe Green Goblin (Created by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli, [amazon asin=0785197788&text=Miles’ origin in the comics ]is from that now defunct line from Marvel), and I’m even more sold. If this means that the inexplicable [amazon asin=B0779W5BLS&text=Spider-Punk ]shows up, I’ll go crazy.