In December 2013, we ran a short film from Australia about a father, his infant daughter, and the zombie apocalypse. It’s a beautiful film, and was also selected by Cinequest to run in the “Mindbenders” program a few months later. As occasionally happens, a short film has an idea so good that someone wants to turn it into a feature, and so that short “Cargo” has become a full-length film starring Martin Freeman, directed by the short’s original creators, Ben Howling and Yolanda Ramke.
The first trailer has been released, and you can tell from it that, naturally, the story has been greatly expanded upon. Which means as perfect as “Cargo” the short is, Cargo will have a lot more twists and turns, and I’m holding out for more hope. With a little more detail, we are thrown into a world where the zombie virus incubates for 48 hours, so victims might have a chance to set their affairs in order. The main conflict remains the same, but there’s so much more, really using the Australian setting to its advantage.
Cargo will be released internationally on May 17, 2018, with Netflix streaming it in the US on May 18. I’m marking time on my calendar now.