(originally posted 05/06/14)
If you heard our podcast episode #350, you heard Jason Salazar and Drew Campbell discuss the loss of the Expanded Universe.
Definitely people to turn lemons into blue lemonade, Jason and Drew found that the loss of a universe merely left them more room to add to the void left behind, and the two created the often hilarious (and possibly frighteningly accurate) Star Wars Spoilers on Twitter.
With their kind permission, Fanboy Planet pretends to take credit for them here, but you can certainly follow them on Twitter @SW7Spoilers.
For those who do not have Twitter, here you go — a selection of some of the best and weirdest spoilers for Star Wars Episode VII as of May 6, 2014. Anything after that? You should follow them.
#StarWarsVII to be “found footage”. #SpoilerAlert
— Star Wars Spoilers (@SW7Spoilers) May 1, 2014
#StarWarsVII to be filmed entirely in IMAX 3D, except for Harrison Ford.
— Star Wars Spoilers (@SW7Spoilers) May 1, 2014
#StarWarsVII to feature anthropomorphic landspeeder, LT-MQ, in Pixar crossover. #SpoilerAlert
— Star Wars Spoilers (@SW7Spoilers) May 1, 2014
Only Sith deal in absolutes, but when Luke comes out of the closet it’s absolutely FABULOUS! #StarWarsVII #SpoilerAlert
— Star Wars Spoilers (@SW7Spoilers) May 1, 2014
#StarWarsVII features New Republic Senate debating over why OrganaCare doesn’t cover contraception for Sandra Fluke Skywalker. #Spoiler
— Star Wars Spoilers (@SW7Spoilers) May 1, 2014
Expanded Universe was removed so the term would not be used to describe the Original Cast’s waistlines. #StarWarsVII #Spoiler
— Star Wars Spoilers (@SW7Spoilers) May 2, 2014
Yoda is alive and well and will be played by Bob Newhart. #StarWarsVII #spoilers
— Star Wars Spoilers (@SW7Spoilers) May 2, 2014
Chewbacca FINALLY says his first word and it’s “Daddy.” #StarWarsVII #spoilers
— Star Wars Spoilers (@SW7Spoilers) May 2, 2014
Jar Jar Binks will be getting his own web series. “One Million Ways to Kill a Gungan” will be hosted by Ray Park. #StarWarsVII #spoilers
— Star Wars Spoilers (@SW7Spoilers) May 2, 2014
#StarWarsVII to be subtitled “Malakili’s Revenge”. #SpoilerAlert #IfYouDontHaveToLookThatUpYouAreARealNerd
— Star Wars Spoilers (@SW7Spoilers) May 5, 2014
#StarWarsVII title officially “Jedi Descendant Heir to the Force Successor Imperial Inheritor” #SpoilerAlert
— Star Wars Spoilers (@SW7Spoilers) May 6, 2014