Set to Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” this new trailer for Warner Brothers’ upcoming Suicide Squad certainly has slick marketing muscle. Giving greater background to the Cinematic DC Universe (CDCU? DCCU?), the David Ayer film looks… sadly… more fun than Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. There’s something to be said, at least, for Warner Brothers to go for one of [amazon text=their more offbeat titles in the DC catalog&asin=140125831X] in order to go up against the Marvel Cinematic Universe juggernaut.
Some first thoughts:
- Margot Robbie would be skewered for duplicating Arleen Sorkin’s original Harley Quinn voice anyway, so why not create a new characterization that’s at least consistent with the character’s mental state? I could warm to this.
- Katana looks like Katana. Killer Croc looks like Killer Croc. Even El Diablo looks like the most recent version of the character.
- Will Smith as Deadshot? Big Willie Style meets the DC Universe about the way I thought it would. It works.
- With The Enchantress firmly described as “possessed by a witch,” DC has beaten Marvel to the big screen with firmly allowing magic to exist.
Your thoughts?