Return to Skull Island
Continuing the action and excitement of the Netflix animated series, we’re getting a Skull Island comic set firmly in the Monsterverse!
Continuing the action and excitement of the Netflix animated series, we’re getting a Skull Island comic set firmly in the Monsterverse!
Monster Forge Productions returns to unleash Kraken, a 1930s adventurer fighting extradimensional nazis with moxie and… tentacles.
Overdue superstar Patrick Zircher brings Robert E. Howard’s puritan adventurer back to comics — and we’ve got the trailer!
Comics creator Dave Dwonch talks about his love letter to 90s crime movies and The Automaton, his love letter to Disneyland and imagination.
The Loose End mixes Hollywood and crime for a throwback to 1990s movies courtesy of Titan Comics! They make a Hard Case…
I already told you the book was good — but seeing Jonas Scharf’s art in motion comics form? Nigh unto perfection…
It’s not easy being huge, but if Huge Detective has the impact I think it will, writer Adam Rose is going to put that to the test…
You may not have realized that Robert E. Howard’s creations were all connected, but Jim Zub knew. Now he gets to prove it!
Huge Detective presents us with a many-layered mystery you’d think it was an onion… wait, that’s ogres, not giants…
“…the hope was always that Conan was going to be big, that it was going to go long, that I’ve got a big plan. And I do.”
Charles Ardai wanted to revive “Beautiful painted covers …and high velocity stories” Hard Case Crime has become that and more…
A shocking secret from World War II, dark sorcery, and one salacious sea monster. Really, how could you go wrong with this?
He’s written King Conan before, but there’s something special about Jason Aarons coming back for this black-and-white magazine…
Not only is Conan the Barbarian #1 from Titan Comics a great read, they’re bringing new Savage Sword of Conan in 2024!
Jimi Hendrix: Purple Haze brings the guitar god to comics for the first (official) time in a science fiction epic from Titan Comics!
Does it count as “Conan the Barbarian conquers Titan” if it was all done with lawyers? Conan, Solomon Kane, and others come to Titan Comics!
A trippy science fiction classic gets an all-new graphic novel adaptation from Titan Comics. If you’ve never seen Nicolas Roeg’s The Man Who Fell to Earth starring […]
Last month Titans Comics announced that superstar writer Dan Slott would tackle Doctor Who in a series of specials. The first one would focus on the […]
One of the best comics writers working for Marvel will take a trip in the TARDIS. Dan Slott (various Spider-Man titles, Fantastic Four) has been announced to be […]
The longest running musical in Broadway history hit comics shops in the UK today, and just like the original production, will land in the US […]
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