Although none of us at Fanboy Planet were able to attend Stan Lee’s Comikaze this weekend at the Los Angeles Convention Center, we have several friends with booths — say hello to Rob Worley with Scratch 9, Mike Wellman and Rafael Navarro with Guns A-Blazin’, and Joshua Dysart with several Valiant books and no doubt something amazing he’s just about ready to talk about.
And if you’re there on Sunday, attend Room 411 at 3 p.m. for the premiere of a short film by Eric Mittleman. Eric has been producing shows and events for years. We first met when he was working on Mark Hamill’s Comic Book: The Movie. He is particularly proud of this science fiction short which features the return of actress Sean Young to the genre. We do wish we could be there to see the whole thing, but Eric has helpfully provided us with a trailer to whet the appetite of anyone attending.