We know when we have bested, and the proof is in print. When author and comics expert Douglas Wolk’s son asked where to start reading Marvel Comics, they began reading through some together. It sparked an idea — what if (not What If–?) someone read all of the Marvels to get a sense of the cohesive monolithic story and mythos that Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and others accidentally started in 1961?
Appropriately enough, the result is [amazon text=All of the Marvels: A Journey to the Ends of the Biggest Story Ever Told&asin=0735222169], Wolk’s new book that covers (almost) every book Marvel published from 1961 to 2017. On the night of November 3, Wolk appeared at Earth-2 Comics in Sherman Oaks for a short Q&A led by store co-owner Carr D’Angelo, followed by a book signing and, as is absolutely the way at Earth-2, themed cookies.
But first, Wolk and Portland comics shop owner Katie Pryde performed the theme song that Wolk lyricized. Luckily, I was on hand to capture it, and I bow down. If there is a true King of comics knowledge now, it’s Douglas Wolk. Give a listen…