Though a year late to capitalize on real buzz, IDW has a graphic novel adaptation of [amazon text=Rogue One: A Star Wars Story &asin=1684052203]arriving in comics shops today. With a cover by Eric Jones, one of the artists on IDW’s Star Wars Adventures, it’s an 80-page retelling of the film. But wait a minute — you may be thinking to yourself that you’ve seen a [amazon text=Marvel adaptation of Rogue One&asin=0785194576] at your comics shop (and your Disney Store), and that’s true, too. So which should you choose?
IDW’s version fits more in line with Star Wars Adventures, aimed at 9 to 12 year olds and drawn with more of an animated style. Marvel’s adaptation is longer (144 pages) and a more “serious” comics adaptation, done to match the style of their other Star Wars comics. Both tell the story of Jyn Erso and her band of rebels; both are approved by Lucasfilm. Perhaps it’s just a matter of which certain point of view you want to approach Star Wars.
Still, it’s a little odd, as Marvel’s trade paperback came out just a month ago. I welcome anyone’s opinion on the license being divided/shared between two U.S. publishers.