Doctor Who: Utopia

July 3, 2007 Derek McCaw 0

The Doctor reunites with an old friend but he also makes a shocking discovery that will change him forever as the season heads towards a dramatic finale.

Doctor Who: Blink

June 15, 2007 Derek McCaw 0

Since the series returned in 2005, one writer has become synonymous with providing genuine scares to the Whovian and he is Steven Moffat. Better known […]

Doctor Who: Human Nature/Family of Blood

June 7, 2007 Derek McCaw 0

With intergalactic and time travelling killers on his tail, the Doctor has to become human to evade their capture but when the threat returns, can he give up the life he has made for himself and the woman he loves?

Doctor Who: 42

May 30, 2007 Derek McCaw 0

Doctor Who meets 24, as the Time Lord and his beautiful assistant play out a ‘real time’ science fiction drama.