A few weeks ago, I was in Disneyland when writer Kevin Andrew Murphy messaged me. “Do you have the Phantom Radio app?” he asked me, and I hadn’t even heard of it. Bad Disneyland fan. Bad. As it happened, 999 fans of the Haunted Mansion were able to buy memberships that would both allow them to play an interactive game at the Disneyland Resort, but also receive three parcels of 8 to 10 items each that would enhance the story and unlock further elements of the Phantom Radio.
Upon the arrival of the second box, Kevin suggested that I shoot an unboxing video, and we could walk through its mysteries for Fanboy Planet. We didn’t quite solve all of them, but it was fun to get the (so far) complete picture of what’s going on with this event that’s happening in Disneyland through the summer.
Special thanks to Kevin for the opportunity, and thanks to Jason Salazar for editing our cuts together.