Victory Harben Breaks Out! A Conversation with Wolf Larson and Christopher Paul Carey
As the teen genius of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe may be getting an animated series, we talk about the possibilities!
As the teen genius of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe may be getting an animated series, we talk about the possibilities!
Breakout character Victory Harben will anchor a series allowing her to travel from the Earth’s Core to Barsoom and Beyond!
A short guide to people and companies you should check out at WonderCon 2024 — and I look forward to discovering more!
If you thought Tarzan had a rough childhood, Win Scott Eckert proves that his son Korak had it rougher — and adulthood isn’t a picnic.
The first Edgar Rice Burroughs Super Arc comes to a close — and if one book will draw in a new generation of readers, it’s […]
Whether it’s sauce or coffee, Tarzan likes it hot. Who knew? Apparently, the people behind Jade City Foods had a hunch.
Talking with two masterminds behind the new novels in the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe — enjoy new angles and fluilations!
Sony will be reimagining Tarzan for the 21st Century, and we’re not sure what they should keep and what they should throw away.
Time to talk with author and pulp fiction expert Win Scott Eckert, author of Tarzan: Battle for Pellucidar was released, and the forthcoming The Monster on Hold!
Saturday morning we skipped the cartoons, drank some coffee, and dialed into Mountain Time to talk with author and pulp fiction expert Win Scott Eckert. […]
The myth of the jungle lord of “deepest, darkest Africa” doesn’t quite have a place in 2020, and even he knows it.
It’s been a long time since I’ve read any books in the pulp tradition, and the vigorous energy of Edgar Rice Burroughs was just what […]
ERB, Inc. Director of Publishing Christopher Paul Carey joins Derek and Ric for a video interview!
Before we had the Marvel Universe… before the Universal Monsters Universe (no, really, it sort of existed)… there was the Edgar Rice Burroughs Universe. Only […]
Back at Comic-Con 2019, we sat in on the Edgar Rice Burroughs panel, and saw the announcement for a new Tarzan VR experience. Intrigued by […]
A chat with Christopher Paul Carrey, Director of Publishing at Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., then updates for the week’s comics, movie and TV news!
A long time ago, in a Hollywood far, far away… actually, it was pretty much where it is today. But it was a time when […]
Live show at 7 Stars, joined by Lon Lopez, and looking at last week’s news and next week’s Silicon Valley Comic Con!
Cinequest 2017 interviews with the cast and crew of Wild Man, then the directors of Prodigy, and the comics, movies and TV news of the week!
Quietly shepherded to Warner Brothers by Dark Horse Entertainment, where President Mike Richardson loves, loves, LOVES Tarzan, this could be the Tarzan that fans of Edgar […]
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