Kevin Andrew Murphy
Plays His Cards Right
Decades ago, a group of science fiction authors began a campaign in a role-playing game called Superworld. The game master was an author of growing renown, […]
Decades ago, a group of science fiction authors began a campaign in a role-playing game called Superworld. The game master was an author of growing renown, […]
It was already big, and like a Marvel crossover event, it just got bigger. Unlike a Marvel crossover event, however, Illusive Comics & Games actually […]
Actually, the day started pretty well, though probably extremely well for Dan Mora. The artist was still buzzing from his win the night before as Most […]
Barely out of college and knocking around television, Jason Williams answered an ad in a newspaper that changed his life. He auditioned for a movie […]
It was a day spent checking out comics (yes, comics!) and interviewing talented creators, while also checking out more of what the Gaslamp District has […]
We ran this last year, too — but this time it can get us prepped a day before instead of laughing through exhaustion on Saturday. May your […]
Actually, we did talk a bit about this on the podcast a few weeks ago, but BOOM! Studios announced a deeper look into the workings […]
As part of their Comic-Con Preview, Entertainment Weekly got the first official looks at Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey in the upcoming film of Stephen King’s The […]
On the cusp of San Diego’s Comic-Con International 2016, your fanboy crew runs down the weekly news of Comics, Movies, TV, Toys, and more.
We had fun at Silicon Valley Comic Con this year, not least because it was in our backyard. Steve Wozniak and friends brought a lot […]
We have many beloved comics shops. You can’t be a comics fan and not connect with the people that sell you your books. In the […]
Continuing their mission, the Fanboys cover all the week’s news for our final frontier
The Fanboys ask all the questions you want answers for, like Star Wars – Rogue One, Marvel coming to Comic-Con, Hard Rock Hotel turning into Belle Reve, Sacha Baron Cohen turning into Mandrake the Magician, The Killing Joke, is Sharon Stone Firestar, do we need another Battlestar Galactica, Ghostbusters, the return of Transformers the Movie , Voltron, Bendis and Maleev’s Scarlet on Cinemax, Superman on Supergirl, Game of Thrones, Zombie Stormtroopers, and so much more!
A quick news wrap up with the Marvel and DC big events for this month, potential casting of Captain Marvel, and then a BayCon 2016 special report with Tom Galloway on the state of comics; What’s hot, what’s up and coming, what are people not reading that they should be!
This concluding episode we’ll be looking at a couple of real-world examples of what you can come to expect from the future of digital media, and how to best prepare for it.
Of course like all modern trilogies, there’s the potential for sequels. If you have questions or if there are new developments in this area, Digital Fanboy is the friend who will either explain it or tell you you’re better off not knowing.
In Episode 1 we talked about the benefits and additional features we get from electronic media. The terms we hear and what they mean. This round we’ll be looking into how digital media works, and fails – What DRM is and means and how it creates opportunity and complicates “ownership” of digital works. (If you’re paying attention, there’s a little Rebels V. Empire here that you can try at home, but you didn’t hear that from me.)
Digital Fanboy is our exploration into digital media. How we use it, how it uses us, and how to get a better handle on everything. I hope that by breaking this down into small tastes I can help you understand what the present and future hold for us, just as I exorcise my own demons in this area. Come, take the red pill…
Klingon lawsuits, fan verification, Worldcon, DC Logos and Rebirths, Doc Savage speculation, Buckaroo Banzai, the BBC and so much more!
It’s a magical and influential book, which creators have adapted to film a few times over the decades — most famously, perhaps, Walt Disney. If […]
For the past few years, we’ve talked about the Hugo Awards on the podcast, but admittedly not covered them on the site. It’s an oversight […]
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