Review: ‘Watchmen’

March 6, 2009 Derek McCaw 0

The times, they are a-changin’, and so must elements of Watchmen when bringing it to film. Fundamentally and occasionally slavishly, Director Zack Snyder leaves the […]

Speed Racer rocks

Speed Racer Rocks

May 9, 2008 Derek McCaw 0

Who would have guessed it? Speed Racer is a sincere and faithful adaptation of a beloved anime — with just a little amping up of the colors.

Fanboy Planet

Review: Beowulf

November 16, 2007 Derek McCaw 0

Okay, so when you read Beowulf in high school, the sexiest it actually got was the use of the word “swive.” If all goes well […]

Review: Hot Fuzz

April 20, 2007 Derek McCaw 0

Guest Review by BBC Radio Humberside’s Jamie Kelwick After gaining cult status with their last movie, Shaun of the Dead, the anticipation for Edgar Wright […]

Review: ‘300’

March 9, 2007 Lon Lopez 0

Spartacus fans rejoice! Hurray! The Gladiator flick is back this week with director Zack Snyder’s (Dawn of the Dead) film adaptation of the [amazon text=Frank […]

Constantine with an EEN

Constantine with an EEN

February 18, 2005 Derek McCaw 0

Say this much for Constantine. In occasional moments, it’s obvious that everybody involved really tried. Once in a while the treatment even rises above a […]

Fanboy Planet

El Cid On DVD

May 1, 2004 Derek McCaw 0

My fascination with El Cid goes back to high school, where the school library had a beat-up paperback novelization of Samuel Bronston’s epic movie – […]