Doctor Who: Twice Upon A Time
I did, in fact, watch this twice. The second time I was sitting in the theater with my girlfriend, a non-fan / casual fan at […]
I did, in fact, watch this twice. The second time I was sitting in the theater with my girlfriend, a non-fan / casual fan at […]
BBC America will broadcast “Twice Upon a Time” Dec. 25 at 9 p.m./8 Central
If you’ve attended a science fiction convention in the San Francisco Bay Area, chances are you’ve crossed paths with Mette Hedin and Bryan Little. You […]
Hot on the heels of announcing this year’s big “Arrowverse” crossover, the CW has announced the casting of the live-action version of The Ray: Russell […]
Chatting with Pigs Might Fly creator Nick Abadzis, Justice League news, TV gets a stretchy superhero, what Samuel L. Jackson probably isn’t doing, and more!
How hard is it getting all your swag back from Comic-Con? Is it as hard as getting through airport security? As difficult as a moustache delaying the Justice League movie?
At his final Comic-Con appearance as Doctor Who, Peter Capaldi admitted the hardest part about playing the role was leaving it. Outgoing producer Steven Moffat […]
We break down the summer’s movies, look forward into San Diego Comic-Con, anticipate The Inhumans, contemplate Young Han Solo, and more!
There’s so much happening here, and so little. We could talk about the eerie use of proto-Cyberman corpses as scarecrows. We could talk about how […]
Let’s cut to the chase: this is the best episode of Doctor Who since at least “Dark Water,” whose plot it resembles in numerous ways […]
Remembering Adam West and an interview with Nicholas Brandt, writer of Comic-Con the Musical! All this and all the fanboy news of the week you need!
Given the harmonious relationship between classic Who and new Who — a distinction with less and less meaning every year — it seems unbelievable that […]
I’ve always had a soft spot for the Sontarans. Invented by Robert Holmes, one of the most revered classic series writers, they were intelligent, articulate […]
At this point it really does feel as though the Monks have always been here, so I’m looking forward to something new next week, even […]
The question on my mind about the Peter Harness episode of Series 10 was: would this be more like “Kill the Moon” or “The Zygon […]
I was going to put a spoiler warning at the top of this, even though I usually don’t, because it seemed like an episode where […]
I’ve never been that great at figuring stories out ahead of time. I’m pretty sure I had no idea whose father Darth Vader would turn […]
At Gallifrey One, Big Finish Productions producer Nicholas Briggs joked that he made sure to tell David Tennant that the door was always open for […]
Captain Jack is back, as youthful-looking as ever. At least, in your mind’s eye. Because though Torchwood: Aliens Among Us does officially count as Series 5 […]
Doctor Who is usually considered to be science fiction, largely due to the framing device of time-and-spaceships from another planet, but even though most stories […]
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